304 Salter Rd, Westville, NS B0K2A0, Canada

Brad R Coulter

Phone: +1-902-396-5798


Brad Coulter

304 Salter Rd,Pleasant Valley N.S

902-396-5798   decaent@gmail.com

Schedule Today

Our Location

​DECA Enterprises Ltd

​Honda Parts and Service Specialists.

To schedule a service appointment email us at decaent@gmail.com ,or fill out the form below. Please include a description of your maintenance required as well as preferred appointment date and time. The submit button only needs to be clicked once .On some systems it may appear that the form has not been sent ,but it works! During this time our response to messages is delayed ,it could be  several days before you get a response.

Spring Hours:

Monday To Friday

8:00 AM -Noon

1:00 PM - 5:00PM